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April 29, 2010 | Filed Under Segeln 2009 | No Comments

fa fighter jet project with russia hits turbulence

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Blackwood was transported to the Gresham Police

April 28, 2010 | Filed Under Segeln 2009 | No Comments

Blackwood was transported to the Gresham Police Department and held on a $2,500 bail. March 21, Josue Eden Barroso Rodriguez, 27, of Gresham, was arrested on a Multnomah County warrant. Rodriguez was transported to the Multnomah County Detention Center and held on $5,000 bail.

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St. John

April 26, 2010 | Filed Under Segeln 2009 | 1 Comment

Nachdem wir von St Thomas nach St John gesegelt sind, haben wir vorerst in der Cruz Bay geankert, damit wir das Nationalparkcenter besuchen können. Zwei Drittel von St John sind Nationalpark, es gibt einige Regel die im Nationalpark zu beachten sind. Continue reading St. John…

that message needs to get through

April 25, 2010 | Filed Under Segeln 2009 | No Comments

Lance Armstrong was diagnosed with testicular cancer in 1996. By the time the cancer was detected, it had already spread to his lungs and brain. Ignoring the slim odds of survival given by doctors, he rebuilt his body after surgery and grueling chemotherapy then went on to win the Tour de France seven years in a row..

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More gridlock to the south

April 25, 2010 | Filed Under Segeln 2009 | No Comments

What a stupid idea. More gridlock to the south, more pollution. Stop trying to choke the city with these utterly retarded suggestions. They also invest small amount of money to placed paid apps on several search engines like Google. Bing etc. For developers, creating interactive elements takes more time than they are willing to invest.

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April 21, 2010 | Filed Under Segeln 2009 | 1 Comment

Because working class women generally relied on ready made clothing by 1890 (see endnote 5), women as a group probably made no more than about one third of their clothing at home (worth $91.3 million if store bought). Thus, assuming that the raw materials for the homemade third of women’s clothing cost about 40 percent of what the finished products would cost, women would have only spent about $36.5 million on materials such as thread, silk, buttons and fabric. This means that even after this sum is added to net female consumption, women’s total consumption would only rise by 1.4 percentage points (32.8% 34.2%).

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April 21, 2010 | Filed Under Segeln 2009 | No Comments

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Von Puerto Rico nach St Thomas

April 18, 2010 | Filed Under Segeln 2009 | 2 Comments

Als wir aus der Marina del Rey rausfuhren, blies uns gleich kräftiger Ostwind auf die Nase, also Segel raus, hart am Wind konnten wir Palominos zum Übernachten erreichen. Am nächsten Tag war der Wind schwächer und hat nach Süd gedreht, so segelten wir die Cordilliera entlang, ein Streifen von Felsen und Inseln von Puerto Rico bis Culebra. Continue reading Von Puerto Rico nach St Thomas…

Zu den Kaimanen

April 15, 2010 | Filed Under Segeln 2009 | 1 Comment

Bei einer Internetrecherche fand ich heraus, dass im Norden von Puerto Rico in der Laguna Tortuguero Kaimane in freier Wildbahn leben. Also machten wir uns Montag in der Früh auf den Weg dorthin. Continue reading Zu den Kaimanen…

Im Regenwald

April 15, 2010 | Filed Under Segeln 2009 | No Comments

An Davids letzem Tag in Puerto Rico leisteten wir uns einen Leihwagen Der kostete das Gleiche wie ein Taxi zum Flughafen und stand uns den ganzen Tag zur Verfügung. Also sind wir um elf losgedüst, um ein kleines Stück von Puerto Rico zu sehen. Zwischen Puerto del Rey und San Juan International Airport liegt das Schutzgebiet El Yunque, ein letzes Stück Regenwald auf Puerto Rico. Continue reading Im Regenwald…

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